Rezensionen & Bewertungen
18 Rene Gabriel
93 Robert Parker
I do not understand the critics of Alain Vautier, who now has sole control of Ausone and is taking the estate's quality to a higher level. Moreover, the wine is consistent, with great depth and richness on the mid-palate, without sacrificing Ausone's 40-50+ years of longevity. As I suspected, the 1996 is beginning to shut down. I left it in the glass for nearly 30 minutes and was impressed with the nuances that developed. The color is a dense ruby/black/purple. Reluctant aromas of blueberries, blackberries, minerals, flowers, truffles, and subtle new oak eventually emerge. Elegant on the attack, with sweet ripeness, and a delicate, concentrated richness, the hallmark of this wine is subtlety rather than flamboyance. A sweet mid-palate sets it apart from many of the uninspiring Ausones of the eighties and seventies. The wine is stylish, and presently understated, with tremendous aging potential. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2040.
93 Robert Parker
I do not understand the critics of Alain Vautier, who now has sole control of Ausone and is taking the estate's quality to a higher level. Moreover, the wine is consistent, with great depth and richness on the mid-palate, without sacrificing Ausone's 40-50+ years of longevity. As I suspected, the 1996 is beginning to shut down. I left it in the glass for nearly 30 minutes and was impressed with the nuances that developed. The color is a dense ruby/black/purple. Reluctant aromas of blueberries, blackberries, minerals, flowers, truffles, and subtle new oak eventually emerge. Elegant on the attack, with sweet ripeness, and a delicate, concentrated richness, the hallmark of this wine is subtlety rather than flamboyance. A sweet mid-palate sets it apart from many of the uninspiring Ausones of the eighties and seventies. The wine is stylish, and presently understated, with tremendous aging potential. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2040.
92 Wine Spectator
Complex aromas of blackberry, coffee, cedar and lightly grilled meat. Full-bodied and very structured, with silky tannins and a long, caressing finish. Slightly hollow center palate.--'95/'96 Bordeaux retrospective. Drink now. ?JS
92 Wine Spectator
Complex aromas of blackberry, coffee, cedar and lightly grilled meat. Full-bodied and very structured, with silky tannins and a long, caressing finish. Slightly hollow center palate.--'95/'96 Bordeaux retrospective. Drink now. ?JS
Château Ausone
Das Château Ausone produziert seit nunmehr fast vier Jahrhunderten Weine im Namen des römischen Dichters Decimius Magnus Ausonius, der einst über 40 Hektar Weinberge in Saint-Émilion besaß. Dieses große Weingut am rechten Ufer ist eines von vieren, neben Cheval Blanc, Angélus und Pavie, die als Premier Grand Cru Classé vom Rang A in der Appellation eingestuft sind. Heute, in direkter Abstammung von der Familie Dubois-Challon-Vauthier, die schon im 17. Jahrhundert hier lebte, steht das Anwesen im Eigentum und unter der Leitung von Alain Vauthier und seiner Tochter Pauline. Ausone, das direkt an das Städtchen Saint-Émilion grenzt, soll das beste Terroir im Bordelais besitzen, eine 7 Hektar große Parzelle in steiler Hanglage. Von 1993 bis 2013 ging der berühmte Önologe Michel Rolland mit wertvollem Rat bei der Weinherstellung zur Hand. Diese wichtigen Jahre hatten großen Anteil am Aufstieg dieses bereits vorher beeindruckenden Châteaus in die oberste Riege von Weinerzeugern weltweit. Ausone hat sich durch seinen unnachahmlichen mineralischen Stil einen Namen gemacht, den es massiven Kalksteinablagerungen im Boden verdankt. Die Weine sind durchgehend reich, komplex und zusehends mit Eiche getönt.

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