Évaluations et Scores
97 Par Robert Parker
97 Par James Suckling
The 2008 Pingus is one of the finest that I have tasted. It is closed on the nose at first, broody even, and giving it a few encouraging swirls is akin to awakening a giant. It opens gloriously with small dark cherries, black olives, crushed stone and violet, an underlying minerality that is difficult to ignore. The palate is blessed with a Chateau Margaux-like sense of symmetry that leads to a tensile, precise finish that carries on for a minute in the mouth. This will turn out to be an awesome Pingus. Drink 2018-2040. Dominio de Pingus is located in the La Horra region of Ribera del Duero. Owner/winemaker, Peter Sisseck, an oenologist originally from Denmark, started the estate in 1995. There are currently 3 wines produced, Flor de Pingus, a single barrel cuvee called Amelia which began in 2003, and the flagship Pingus. In a normal vintage there are usually about 4000 cases of Flor de Pingus, 500 cases of Pingus, and 25 cases of Amelia. Flor de Pingus is sourced from a number of small parcels located in the La Horra zone. The vines are all over 35 years of age and have been farmed biodynamically since 2005.They are either owned or rented by Peter Sisseck, so Flor de Pingus always comes from the same pieces of ground. In that sense it is not a second wine but there is no question that is a very close approximation of Pingus at a fraction of the price. That makes it a relative bargain in the scheme of things. The wine is 100% Tempranillo typically aged for 14 months in new French barriques. The first vintage of Pingus was in 1995. The estate has been biodynamically farmed since 2000 and, according to Sisseck, has never been treated with fertilizer or pesticides. The Pingus vines are all at least 65 years of age and yields are typically under 1 ton per acre. The wines, made from 100% Tempranillo, are bottled without fining or filtration.
Dominio de Pingus
Malgré sa création relativement récente en 1995, Dominio de Pingus bénéficie déjà d’une grande expérience, lui permettant d’attirer de nombreux adeptes et de se hisser au rang de domaine culte à Ribera del Duero. Son propriétaire, Peter Sisseck, s’était déjà fait un nom en tant qu’œnologue de l’Hacienda Monasterio, avant de se porter acquéreur de plusieurs parcelles de vieilles vignes de tinto fino (tempranillo). Lorsqu’il s’occupe de ses propres vignes, Sisseck adopte une approche résolument moderne, basée sur la fermentation malolactique en barrique pour créer des vins souples à la texture veloutée. Ses efforts ont été largement fructueux, comme en témoignent les saveurs pures et intenses de fruits noirs, épicées même, caractérisant ses plus grands vins. Son ambition originale, à savoir produire « un vin espagnol identitaire exprimant son terroir… un vin de garage », s’est concrétisée, sa production étant aujourd’hui mondialement réputée. Son fleuron, Pingus, un 100% tempranillo produit en quantités extrêmement confidentielles, fait régulièrement parler de lui et bon an mal an, se classe parmi les meilleurs vins de l’appellation. Le domaine, primé à de nombreuses reprises, propose également des cuvées plus accessibles, Flor de Pingus et PSI. Ce dernier est issu d’un assemblage à dominante tempranillo et garnacha, ce qui donne un vin frais sur le fruit, à l’approche agréable.