Rezensionen & Bewertungen
100 Robert Parker
91 Wine Spectator
I would argue that the most exciting wines of the twentieth century are the 1947 Pomerols. Although the 1947s from Petrus and Lafleur (both perfect wines) were not included in the Rodenstock tasting, the wines tasted exemplify the number of exhilarating, decadent, and sumptuous wines produced by this tiny appellation. I have been blessed to have tasted the 1947 Latour a Pomerol several times. Several times I have rated it a perfect 100. It is a slightly older clone of the candidate for the wine of the century - the 1961 Latour a Pomerol. The 1947 exhibited an extraordinary opaque purple color with only some lightening at the edge. This exotic, mammoth, seductive, awesomely concentrated wine goes on and on in the mouth. It is reminiscent of a cross between the 1947 Cheval Blanc and the 1947 Petrus. Sweet, dense, and mind-boggling, what else can be said about something so perfect and thrilling. Akin to eating candy, it should drink well for another 20 years. The notes for this wine are taken from the description of Series III - Flight A of the 1995 tasting conducted in Munich by Helga and Hardy Rodenstock. Many years after the tasting from which this note derives allegations were made concerning the authenticity of old and rare bottles of wine sold by Hardy Rodenstock to collectors around the world. The matter has been the subject of numerous articles, litigation and at least one book. Mr. Parker believes that the wines served to him at this tasting were authentic so this note and the others from that specific tasting continue to be posted on Wine Advocate # 103 Feb 1996
Château Latour à Pomerol
Château Latour à Pomerol ist ein weiteres Weingut, das noch unter den Schirm der berühmten Familie JP Moueix passt. Während es im Eigentum einer gemeinnützigen Stiftung steht, der Fondation de Foyers de Charite de Chateauneuf de Galaure, Ets., fungiert Jean-Pierre Moueix seit über 40 Jahren als Geschäftsführer des Châteaus. Zusammen mit dem anderen Bordelaiser Spitzenbetrieb der Familie ist Latour à Pomerol zu einem der führenden Pomerol-Weingüter aufgestiegen. Der 8 Hektar große Weinberg besteht aus zwei Parzellen: die erste, Les Grandes Vignes, liegt nahe der Kirche von Pomerol, die zweite an der Westseite des Pomerol-Plateaus. Der reizvolle Cru war wie viele Weine des rechten Ufers relativ unbekannt, bis er von dem damals angehenden Weinkritiker Robert Parker Anfang der 1990er besprochen wurde. Heute sind die Weine des Château Latour à Pomerol ein opulenterer Ausdruck der Appellation, in Form geschmeidiger, reifer und reich mit Pflaumennoten versehener Verschnitte aus Merlot und Cabernet Franc