
Adrianna Vineyard Mundus Bacillus Terrae 2016 600cl

Mendoza | Argentinien
CHF 1’643.10
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
97 Robert Parker
Cropped from a cooler and wetter year, the 2016 Adrianna Vineyard Fortuna Terrae was bottled with six months less time in oak than in other years. The wines are somehow "lighter" and more mineral, and they didn't want the oak to mark them. This comes from deeper soils that deliver more fruit, and of the three reds from Adrianna, this is always the one that shows more gentle, approachable and open, with more fruit up front. There are some notes of tobacco and spices. Considering how young the wine is and the fact that it will not be released for another year, the wine is going to be immediately appealing on release but should also develop nicely in bottle. The 2016 is the most complete of the three vintages I tasted together—2014, 2015 and 2016. They bottled some 5,000 bottles in March 2018.
97 Robert Parker
Cropped from a cooler and wetter year, the 2016 Adrianna Vineyard Fortuna Terrae was bottled with six months less time in oak than in other years. The wines are somehow "lighter" and more mineral, and they didn't want the oak to mark them. This comes from deeper soils that deliver more fruit, and of the three reds from Adrianna, this is always the one that shows more gentle, approachable and open, with more fruit up front. There are some notes of tobacco and spices. Considering how young the wine is and the fact that it will not be released for another year, the wine is going to be immediately appealing on release but should also develop nicely in bottle. The 2016 is the most complete of the three vintages I tasted together—2014, 2015 and 2016. They bottled some 5,000 bottles in March 2018.
Bodega Catena Zapata
In den Ausläufern der Anden in Argentiniens bekanntester Weinbaugegend Mendoza liegt die Catena Zapata. Als führendes Weingut des Landes untersteht sie der Leitung von Nicolás Catena persönlich. Nicolás war 2009 der erste Südamerikaner, der den renommierten Titel Decanter Man of the Year erhielt. In der festen Überzeugung, dass Argentinien zu Weltklasseweinen fähig ist, begann er in den 1960-er Jahren, diesen wunderbaren Weinberg zusammenzustellen. Heute sind diese hervorragend geführten, auf beeindruckenden 1000 bis 1480 Metern über Meereshöhe thronenden Weinberge der Schlüssel zum Erfolg der Bodega. Das innovative Team, seit 2001 mit Nicolás Tochter Laura als Leiterin des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramms, arbeitet ständig an der Verbesserung seiner Weinbau- und Vinifikationstechniken. Die unglaublichen Weine von hier zeigen eine bemerkenswerte Transparenz zwischen Standorten, Höhen, Jahrgängen und Rebsorten und machen Catena Zapata zum maßstabsetzenden argentinischen Produzenten.