Critics scores
97 Robert Parker
The 1975 Trotanoy can be an extraordinary wine on the right day. This was the right day. Served blind from a magnum, unaware of its age, I was struck by the depth of its color. The bouquet is almost ineffably complex, a mixture of red and black fruit, black truffle (indicating its Pomerol origins), sage and dried rose petals. It was the delineation and sheer confidence of the aromatics that leaves you spellbound. The palate is beautifully structured, very Left Bank in style thanks to its tertiary nature, yet bridled with disarming tension and energy from start to finish. There is a twist of sour cherry right on the aftertaste, completing a stunning Trotanoy. I very much doubt I will ever encounter an example of this outstanding Pomerol as good as this again. Tasted October 2016.
18 Rene Gabriel
Bis Anfang der 90er Jahre ein eher mässiger Wein, immer mit 16/20 Punkten benotet, doch dann legte er zu! Von Saulus zu Paulus. Bei Pfarrer Leonz Waldisbühl 1992 in Kleinwangen aus einem Burgunderglas getrunken und mit 18/20 Punkten bewertet: Süsses, fettes Waldbeerenbouquet mit wunderschönen Gewürzanklängen, Terroir, Schokolade, Tabak, Eisenkraut. Im Gaumen rund, gut stützendes Tannin, cereale Süsse. Wird durch Luftzutritt zunehmend süsser, Preiselbeerenaroma. Zwei Jahre später: Absolut verführerisches Bouquet; Kaffeelikör, geröstete Mandeln, Kandis, Vanilleschoten, buttrig, komplex, gebunden, Malaga-Note. Charmanter Gaumen, sehr reife Gerbstoffe, viel süssliche Aromatik, wiederum Kaffeenote vermischt mit Pralinen, mittelgewichtiger Gaumen, sehr schön zu trinken, Portwein-Finish, viel Eleganz. Bei Verena Conte im Jahr 2000 an der grossen (und lang andauernden…) Geburtstagsfeier kredenzt bekommen: Leuchtendes Granat, feiner, oranger Rand; orange Reflexe. Süsses, umwerfendes Kamille-, Honigbouquet, Melisse, Zitronat, Malznoten; pfeffrig. Fester, satter Gaumen, noch so jung mit deutlich nach Ausbau verlangenden Tanninen, Caramel, trockene Gerbstoffe, Fleisch im Übermass, würzige Peru-Balsamnote, zeigt ein Wahnsinnspotential für Freunde von fast überkonzentrierten Weinen. Es lohnt sich nach diesem Pomerol zu suchen, denn in ihm schlummert eine Garantie für mindestens zehn weitere Jahre. trinken
83 Wine Spectator
Lean and hard like most '75s, but polished and silky enough to promise drinkability in the near future, perhaps by 1997.--Trotanoy vertical. –HS
Château Trotanoy
A historic Pomerol estate, Château Trotanoy is a small property made up of 7-hectares owned by the Jean-Pierre Moueix family. Located on one of the most beautiful parts of the Pomerol Plateau, the soil of Château Trotanoy is a very dense mixture of clay and gravel. This soil combination tends to solidify as it dries out after rain to an almost concrete-like hardness, hence the name trotanoy, or in other words, too wearisome to cultivate. Purchased by Jean-Pierre Moueix in 1953, Château Trotanoy is one of Pomerol’s leading estates, in part due to its complex terroir. The soil at the highest point of exposure contains a good proportion of gravel, becoming progressively more clayey as the elevation declines. Under this clay is a subsoil of red gravel and an impermeable layer of hard, iron-rich soil known as crasse de fer. This fascinating soil diversity brings power, depth and complexity to the wine. One of the few vineyards not to freeze in the famous year of 1956, the old vines have remained planted to Merlot (90%) and Cabernet Franc (10%). The wines are dense and seriously well-structured; seven or eight years of aging will see the growth of opulent dark fruit combined seamlessly with oriental spice notes.