
Syrah The Thrill of Stamp Collecting 2009 150cl

Central Coast | Kalifornien | Vereinigte Staaten
CHF 972.90

Alle Jahrgänge

Rezensionen & Bewertungen
95 Von Robert Parker
The 2009 Syrah The Thrill Of impresses for its poise and underlying energy. Dark fruit, spices, licorice and violets sit on a core of firm tannin as this powerful wine opens up in the glass. Today, The Thrill OfYcomes across as very, very young. The intensity of the fruit and the oak are dominant at present. In another few years the wine should be spectacular. The Thrill Of... is 90% Syrah, 6% Grenache and 4% Viognier, all destemmed and mostly from estate owned vineyards. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024. Manfred Krankl calls 2011 the most consistently cold year he has ever seen from start to finish, although he adds that every year since 2008 has been cooler than normal. Unlike 2010, there were no heat spikes or even hot days in 2011. A bit of frost in April reduced tiny yields even more, but in retrospect that was a saving grace, as a full crop might never have ripened under the conditions of the year. Vintage 2010 was marked by a late frost that mostly affected Grenache by reducing yields. The rest of the vintage saw quite a bit of rain along with heat spikes during the summer, which produced big, bold wines. Krankl describes 2009 as a vintage that was shaping up to be great, until the rains arrived at the end of the growing season. With one exception, the 2009s are just as sexy and silky as they were last year. Unfortunately, the 2009 Syrah Estate No Name as of Yet was in no mood to be evaluated, so I will have to wait for another opportunity to taste it. In addition to these wines, I also tasted about a dozen library wines that reconfirmed my opinion, stated last year, that the Sine Qua Non wines have gained in elegance and refinement with the gradual move towards estate-owned vineyards. Sine Qua Non fans will find a lot to get excited about with these current and upcoming releases. I also urge readers to check out Manfred and Elaine Krankl’s newest project, Next of Kyn, also reviewed in these pages, and Sine Qua Non’s new website, which gives consumers a rare look at one of this country’s most compelling estates
Sine Qua Non
Sine Qua Non ist vielleicht der „kultigste“ Erzeuger Kaliforniens. Seine Weine sind extrem rar, denn sie sind das Ergebnis einer Mikroproduktion, aus der manchmal nur wenige Fässer hervorgehen, und es gibt sogar eine Warteliste für die Käufer. Aber eine noch größere Rolle spielt vielleicht die Tatsache, dass dieser Betrieb dem ikonoklastischen österreichischen Künstler und Gastronomen Manfred Krakl gehört. Er startete dieses Weingut zusammen mit seiner Frau Elaine 1994 im kalifornischen Ventura, etwa eine Autostunde nördlich von Los Angeles. Jeder seiner Weine hat eine Geschichte, einen eigenen Namen und natürlich ein von Manfred persönlich gestaltetes witziges Etikett. Diese einzigartigen Cuvées tragen Namen wie „Esto No Es una Salida” mit der englischen Version „This Is Not an Exit“; oder „The Hoodoo Man”, „Poker Face" und „The Hussy”. Als Winzer zählt er zu den „Rhône Rangers“, d.h. zu der Gruppe kalifornischer Weinerzeuger, die sich auf Rhône-Sorten wie Syrah (seine berühmteste Sorte), Grenache, Roussanne und Viognier verlegt haben. Seine beispiellosen Weine, vor allem die roten, erzielen Bewertungen, die fast schon den Rahmen sprengen, und bringen es regelmäßig auf 98 Punkte oder darüber. Diese spektakulären Weine sind würdige Trophäen eines jeden Kellers, machen aber natürlich in getrunkener Form am meisten Freude.