
Mille e Una Notte 2008 75cl

DOC | Contessa Entellina Rosso | Sizilien | Italien
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
94 Von Robert Parker
The 2008 Contessa Entellina Rosso Mille e una Notte stands out immediately in a blind tasting, thanks to the wine’s instantly recognizable pedigree. Crafted in a seamless manner, this mostly Nero d’Avola based wine is inky dark and beautifully concentrated with thick layers of blackberry, barbecue spice and a defining note of eucalyptus oil (that seems stronger in this vintage). This is a soft and penetrating effort with long, polished tannins, impressive richness and persistency. Donnafugata doesn’t reveal what other grapes may be present in the blend, but given the strong Bordeaux influences at the winery, there could be grapes associated with that part of France. In the style of the great super Tuscan wines, Mille e una Notte is a true “super Sicilian.” Drink 2015-2025. Many, many years ago as a staff reporter with a Milan-based daily newspaper I was sent to Sicily to cover the night harvest staged at the Donnafugata winery in Contessa Entellina. By picking fruit during cool nighttime temperatures, Donnafugata argued, aromas would be preserved and the resulting wines would be better. Of course, vintners pick fruit at night around the world, but Donnafugata nonetheless packaged this otherwise banal fact as a delectable little morsel of news that would eventually attract the likes of Time magazine, FOX News and other major international media. A harvest party with sultry Middle Eastern music started off the evening. Belly dancers in shiny costumes danced down the vineyard rows under pools of light created by tractors fitted with strobes. Fish couscous was served in painted ceramic bowls and the wine flowed generously throughout the night. Harvesters emerged, sheers in hand, to pick the beautifully ripened fruit hanging from the vines. Their work rhythm would synchronize with the music and dance choreography underway. It was a night I will not soon forget. Thinking back now, I believe the so-called “Sicilian wine renaissance,” sparked in the late 1990s, started with Donnafugata’s night harvest. The Rallo family, including brother and sister Antonio and Jose, brought the wines of Sicily to the attention of an international audience. Their “night harvest” was a public relations stunt, and a stroke of genius, that served to underline Sicily’s psychological shift away from quantity wine production towards quality. I believe it is one of the most important events on a timeline of modern Sicilian wine history.
Donnafugata Società Agricola
Die Marke Donnafugata wurde Anfang der 1980er-Jahre von Giacomo und Gabriella Rallo aufgebaut und ist heute eine der besten Weinkellereien Italiens, mittlerweile unter Führung der Kinder José und Antonio sowie der Enkel Ferdinando und Gabriella, die somit die hundertjährige Ahnenreihe aus Weinliebhabern fortsetzen. Dieses distinguierte Weingut ist stolz auf seine nachhaltigen Verfahren, die sowohl in den Weinbergen wie im Keller angewandt werden. Der Name Donna Fugata (“Flüchtende Frau”) ist inspiriert von einer Erzählung aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, wonach Königin Maria Carolina um das Jahr 1800 vor den Truppen Napoleons aus Neapel floh und Zuflucht in dem Teil Siziliens suchte, in dem sich heute das Weingut Donnafugata befindet. Die Familie Rallo hat ein Faible für kreative Projekte, insbesondere solche, die ihre Kultur und Region herausstellen. Diese Vorliebe ist an den kunstvoll gestalteten Weinetiketten ersichtlich, jedes mit eigener Abbildung und dem Firmen-Emblem einer Frau mit fließendem Haar.