
Viñedo Chadwick 2020 600cl

Maipo-Tal | Chile

Alle Jahrgänge

Rezensionen & Bewertungen
97 Robert Parker
The 2020 Viñedo Chadwick fermented in stainless steel and concrete or troncoconic vats, and this year more of the wine matured in Stockinger foudre—more than 25% of the volume—for 22 months. They did a softer extraction to compensate for the warmer year, and the moderate alcohol helped to keep the oak extraction to a minimum; as a result, the wine comes through as very harmonious and elegant. It has good ripeness and an absence of herbal and minty aromas; the wine from older vines behaves better—the grapes ripen and the alcohol (with good management of the irrigation) with moderate yields produce this unique Cabernet. The palate is round and velvety, keeping very good freshness and a texture and mouthfeel that does not reflect a warmer year at all. This is delicate and juicy with very good intensity of fruit and no room for sweetness or over-ripeness. A triumph over the natural conditions of the year. 10,000 bottles produced. It was bottled the 1st of February 2022.
97 Robert Parker
The 2020 Viñedo Chadwick fermented in stainless steel and concrete or troncoconic vats, and this year more of the wine matured in Stockinger foudre—more than 25% of the volume—for 22 months. They did a softer extraction to compensate for the warmer year, and the moderate alcohol helped to keep the oak extraction to a minimum; as a result, the wine comes through as very harmonious and elegant. It has good ripeness and an absence of herbal and minty aromas; the wine from older vines behaves better—the grapes ripen and the alcohol (with good management of the irrigation) with moderate yields produce this unique Cabernet. The palate is round and velvety, keeping very good freshness and a texture and mouthfeel that does not reflect a warmer year at all. This is delicate and juicy with very good intensity of fruit and no room for sweetness or over-ripeness. A triumph over the natural conditions of the year. 10,000 bottles produced. It was bottled the 1st of February 2022.
Chadwick Eduardo
Einer der größten Namen in der chilenischen Weinbranche, Eduardo Chadwick, hat sich mit dem berühmten kalifornischen Winzer Robert Mondavi zusammengetan, um den ersten ikonischen Wein Chiles zu produzieren – Seña. Die Premiere des 1995er-Jahrgangs im Jahr 1997 war die Einlösung des Versprechens der beiden, den großartigsten Premium-Rotwein des Landes herzustellen. Dieser Schritt war der Beginn eines Trends und ebnete den Weg für die Zukunft chilenischer Ultra-Premium-Weine. Die 350 Hektar Grund, die sich über die sanften Hügel von Aconcagua ziehen, beinhalten 42 Hektar Weinbergfläche, die sowohl ökologisch als auch biodynamisch bewirtschaftet wird. Der Verschnitt ändert sich mit jedem Jahrgang, setzt sich aber in der Regel etwa zur Hälfte aus Cabernet Sauvignon und unterschiedlichen Kompositionen aus Carmernere, Malbec, Merlot, Cabernet Franc und Petit Verdot zusammen. Die Trauben werden in temperaturgeregelten Edelstahltanks fermentiert und der Wein wird anschließend für 22 Monate in neuen französischen Fässern ausgebaut. Das Ergebnis findet bei Kritikern wie Weinliebhabern viel Beifall und macht Seña zum aufgehenden Stern in Chile.