
Seña 2018 600cl

Aconcagua Valley | Chile
CHF 1’405.30
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
100 James Suckling
This is a very thoughtful Seña that shows unique aromas of warm earth, mushrooms and conifer, turning to dark berries and black olives. The palate is more glamorous with ultra-fine tannins that envelop your palate. Shows power and vibrancy at the end. Toned muscles. It’s a very intellectual wine that harkens back to the 2015. Blend of 55% cabernet sauvignon, 18% malbec, 15% carmenere, 7% cabernet franc and 5% petit verdot. Beautiful to try now, but better after 2023.
98 Robert Parker
The 2018 Seña shows the fresher side of the Ocoa zone of the Aconcagua Valley through a Bordeaux blend of 55% Cabernet Sauvignon, 18% Malbec, 15% Carmenere, 7% Cabernet Franc and 5% Petit Verdot; there are small differences, but nothing substantial. As I've seen in other wines from the very complete 2018 vintage, the grapes ripened thoroughly and achieved more flavors and nuances, and the wines are slightly higher in alcohol (14% this year versus 13.3% in 2017, but in reality it's 13.8% ). But the wine seems to have more of everything. The grapes fermented in a combination of stainless steel and concrete vats and matured in new barriques and Stockinger foudres for 22 months, a similar formula as the one used for Viñedo Chadwick. This is a very elegant vintage of Seña, a year with a slow ripening so that the grapes achieved very good ripeness and full development of aromas and flavors, making the wine nuanced and complex, with depth but also freshness and finesse—floral and expressive. The tannins are very fine, polished and elegant, and the wine is long and complex, mixing the best f 2015 and 2016, coming through as a very complete year. It's still a little young and should develop nicely in bottle; it's approachable now, but if you can hold it a little bit more, it should be even better. This has to be the finest vintage of Seña to date. Comparing it with the Chadwick from the same year, there is more freshness and a little more complexity and clout coming form the cooler zone and the palette of varieties used that give more options to achieve more nuance. 100,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in February and March 2020.
98 Robert Parker
The 2018 Seña shows the fresher side of the Ocoa zone of the Aconcagua Valley through a Bordeaux blend of 55% Cabernet Sauvignon, 18% Malbec, 15% Carmenere, 7% Cabernet Franc and 5% Petit Verdot; there are small differences, but nothing substantial. As I've seen in other wines from the very complete 2018 vintage, the grapes ripened thoroughly and achieved more flavors and nuances, and the wines are slightly higher in alcohol (14% this year versus 13.3% in 2017, but in reality it's 13.8% ). But the wine seems to have more of everything. The grapes fermented in a combination of stainless steel and concrete vats and matured in new barriques and Stockinger foudres for 22 months, a similar formula as the one used for Viñedo Chadwick. This is a very elegant vintage of Seña, a year with a slow ripening so that the grapes achieved very good ripeness and full development of aromas and flavors, making the wine nuanced and complex, with depth but also freshness and finesse—floral and expressive. The tannins are very fine, polished and elegant, and the wine is long and complex, mixing the best f 2015 and 2016, coming through as a very complete year. It's still a little young and should develop nicely in bottle; it's approachable now, but if you can hold it a little bit more, it should be even better. This has to be the finest vintage of Seña to date. Comparing it with the Chadwick from the same year, there is more freshness and a little more complexity and clout coming form the cooler zone and the palette of varieties used that give more options to achieve more nuance. 100,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in February and March 2020.
95 Vinous
Chadwick Eduardo
Einer der größten Namen in der chilenischen Weinbranche, Eduardo Chadwick, hat sich mit dem berühmten kalifornischen Winzer Robert Mondavi zusammengetan, um den ersten ikonischen Wein Chiles zu produzieren – Seña. Die Premiere des 1995er-Jahrgangs im Jahr 1997 war die Einlösung des Versprechens der beiden, den großartigsten Premium-Rotwein des Landes herzustellen. Dieser Schritt war der Beginn eines Trends und ebnete den Weg für die Zukunft chilenischer Ultra-Premium-Weine. Die 350 Hektar Grund, die sich über die sanften Hügel von Aconcagua ziehen, beinhalten 42 Hektar Weinbergfläche, die sowohl ökologisch als auch biodynamisch bewirtschaftet wird. Der Verschnitt ändert sich mit jedem Jahrgang, setzt sich aber in der Regel etwa zur Hälfte aus Cabernet Sauvignon und unterschiedlichen Kompositionen aus Carmernere, Malbec, Merlot, Cabernet Franc und Petit Verdot zusammen. Die Trauben werden in temperaturgeregelten Edelstahltanks fermentiert und der Wein wird anschließend für 22 Monate in neuen französischen Fässern ausgebaut. Das Ergebnis findet bei Kritikern wie Weinliebhabern viel Beifall und macht Seña zum aufgehenden Stern in Chile.