Évaluations et Scores
95 Robert Parker
Spain's most consistently great winery continues to turn out exciting wines. There are four Unico Reservas currently in the market. The 1981 Unico Reserva is more restrained than the 1982 or 1985, with a personality similar to a classic Medoc (i.e., Lafite-Rothschild). Lead pencil, tar, smoke, black currant, and weedy tobacco notes are followed by a medium-bodied wine with beautiful fruit, a supple texture, and a long finish. While not as flamboyant or expansive as either the 1982 or 1985, it is a classy, complex offering with an intriguing lead pencil/smoky note in its aromatics, flavor, and finish. It should drink well for 10-15 years.
95 Robert Parker
Spain's most consistently great winery continues to turn out exciting wines. There are four Unico Reservas currently in the market. The 1981 Unico Reserva is more restrained than the 1982 or 1985, with a personality similar to a classic Medoc (i.e., Lafite-Rothschild). Lead pencil, tar, smoke, black currant, and weedy tobacco notes are followed by a medium-bodied wine with beautiful fruit, a supple texture, and a long finish. While not as flamboyant or expansive as either the 1982 or 1985, it is a classy, complex offering with an intriguing lead pencil/smoky note in its aromatics, flavor, and finish. It should drink well for 10-15 years.
93 Wine Spectator
This beautiful red from Spain would put many a Bordeaux from the same vintage to shame. It's got a deep, youthful color, alluring spice and cherry pie aromas and a supple yet concentrated palate with cherry, spice and tobacco flavors. The tannins are softening, yet will still match with food, and the finish is long and spicy. Drink now through 2005. 4,300 cases made. ?TM
93 Wine Spectator
This beautiful red from Spain would put many a Bordeaux from the same vintage to shame. It's got a deep, youthful color, alluring spice and cherry pie aromas and a supple yet concentrated palate with cherry, spice and tobacco flavors. The tannins are softening, yet will still match with food, and the finish is long and spicy. Drink now through 2005. 4,300 cases made. ?TM
Bodegas Vega Sicilia
A l’apogée des producteurs légendaires de vins rouges d’Espagne, Vega Sicilia offre, avec une régularité absolue, les meilleures cuvées de Ribera del Duero, à la fois en termes de profil et d’approche. Le domaine se trouve à Valbuena de Duero et a intégré le giron de la famille Alvarez en 1982. Il comprend presque 1 000 hectares de terres et de ce fait, se classe comme le plus grand domaine d’Espagne, même si 25% de sa superficie seulement sont plantés en vignes. Sa cuvée la plus illustre, Unico, assemblage délicieux de tinto fino (tempranillo) et de cabernet-sauvignon, se bonifie grâce à un élevage prolongé en barrique dont la durée a été peaufinée au fil des ans pour conserver au final une fraîcheur adéquate. Citons également l’exceptionnelle Reserva Especial, cuvée non millésimée qui réunit les meilleures sélections de tinto fino, cabernet-sauvignon et merlot, et fait traditionnellement l’objet d’un élevage de 10 ans. Le second vin naît dans le vignoble le plus influent de Ribera del Duero et se prénomme Valbuena. Assemblé à partir de tinto fino, malbec et merlot, il se singularise par une présence fruitée plus prononcée.