98 Robert Parker
With greater evidence of botrytis than the colossal 1983, but less power and alcohol, the 1986 d'Yquem tastes reminiscent of the 1975, only more precocious. Several highly respected Bordeaux negociants who are d'Yquem enthusiasts had claimed the 1986 d'Yquem was the greatest wine produced at the property since the legendary 1937. However, after the release of the 1988 they concluded that the 1988 surpassed even the 1986. The 1986's enthralling bouquet of pineapples, sauteed hazelnuts, vanillin, and ripe apricots is breathtaking. Compellingly concentrated, its breadth as well as depth of flavor seemingly know no limits. This full-bodied, powerful, yet impeccably elegant d'Yquem should provide memorable drinking for 40-55 more years. Anticipated maturity: 2000-2040. Last tasted, 7/93.<br/>
19 Rene Gabriel
Leuchtendes Orange-Gold. Geniales Bouquet, zarte Agrumentöne und eine vielschichtige Botrytisnote, Orangenblüten, frische, erkaltete Aprikosenmarmelade, sehr ausgeglichen. Im Gaumen feinfüllig, balanciert, homogen im Fluss, nachhaltig im Finale. Gehört zu den grossen Yquems, aber nicht zu den spektakulären. Oder vielleicht kommt das noch, denn im Gegensatz zu allen anderen 1986er Sauternes, ist hier noch weiteres Potential vorhanden. Insgesamt ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Finessenpaket. War allen Konkurrenten überlegen. 19/20. Trinken (2010 - 2070).
83 Wine Spectator
From an outstanding year in Sauternes, this Yquem has some honey character but fails to take off. It's a bit flat on the nose, lacking in acidity, turns a little dry on finish.--Yquem vertical. Drink now through 2010. ?PM