
Flaccianello della Pieve 2012 150cl

IGT | Colli della Toscana Centrale | Toscana | Italia
CHF 281.05
Punteggi dei critici
94 Da Robert Parker
94 Da James Suckling
90 Da Wine Spectator
As it is every year, the 2012 Flaccianello della Pieve represents a selection of the best fruit from the best vineyards (excluding, of course, Vigna del Sorbo that is dedicated to its own wine). The five parcels span various soils types and exposures, and the youngest vines are 20 years old. Because the fruit selection process is so detailed, the darkest and smallest clusters are carefully chosen. As a result, the fruit is rich in polyphenols, thick extract and extra aromatic intensity. The 2012 vintage saw yields reduced by as much as 20%, meaning that fruit selection was even more severe in this vintage. This beautiful wine shows abundant richness and generosity with toned mineral nuances that are wrapped within bold flavors of dark fruit and spice. The wine is rich and velvety in texture. <br/><br/>I happened to look up at my car clock as I drove into Fontodi's driveway in Panzano-in-Chianti. It was 9:03 am and our appointment had been fixed at 9am. Wearing a dark blue cashmere sweater, Giovanni Manetti was waiting for me in the parking lot. This is a man who radiates a sense of precision, an appreciation of aesthetics and a profound sense of respect and curiosity for anyone he meets. In my mind, he is one of the strongest and most even-keeled personalities in the world of Italian wine. And, thanks to the magic of winemaking, he successfully transmits these qualities to his beautiful products. I enjoyed a full visit to his vineyards and winery. A highlight was the cattle stables he manages down at the lower part of the celebrated Conca d'Oro vineyards that extend from the perch where his winery is built. These animals provide the fertilizers he needs to nourish his vines and he proudly tells me that his is one of the only farms in Tuscany that raise authentic Chianina breed cattle (the inspiration for the famous bistecca alla fiorentina). Giovanni Manetti sells his meat to the local celebrity butcher Dario Cecchini and is very proud of the full-cycle farming sustainability model he has achieved. Other news from the vineyard is that the Cabernet Sauvignon vines in the Vigna del Sorbo have been ripped out and starting with the 2012 vintage, that wine is a pure expression of Sangiovese. We tasted his current releases and Giovanni generously offered to open some older vintages of Flaccianello delle Pieve including 2010, 1999 and 1997. He also opened a 1992 Pinot Nero that blew my mind because of the freshness of the fruit. I asked to check the vintage three times because I simply did not believe that the wine was that old.<br/>
Nella famosa Conca d'Oro di Panzano, le produzioni vinicole tradizionali di Fontodi stupiscono collezionisti e critici da decenni. Fontodi ha la fortuna di avere un terroir unico - caratterizzato da altezze elevate, suolo calcareo scistoso-argilloso, ottima esposizione al sole e, soprattutto, un microclima caldo e asciutto - e di godere dell'impegno profuso da Giovanni Manetti nei vigneti. Di proprietà della famiglia Manetti dal 1968, il retaggio toscano risale a secoli prima, quando la famiglia produceva piastrelle di terracotta. La grande proprietà di 130 ettari è certificata biologica, con 70 ettari dedicati alle viti. Il supporto a lungo termine del vinificatore Franco Bernabei ha influenzato notevolmente anche la fama della cantina, che realizza sei rossi raffinati e un bianco fermentato in botte. Il Flaccianello della Pieve è stato uno dei primi vini Sangiovese toscani in purezza e si colloca costantemente tra i migliori. Il Chianti Classico è un punto di riferimento di Fontodi, difficile da emulare, per non parlare del Chianti Classico Riserva, il Vigna del Sorbo, che è un passo avanti rispetto al resto: un vino toscano autentico, intenso e genuino.