Punteggi dei critici
96 Wine Spectator
Chocolate and berry, with mineral and cream. Full-bodied, with a wonderful velvety, caressing texture and a long, long finish. Wonderfully balanced and generous. Best Clinet I have ever tasted. Best after 2010. 2,330 cases made. ?JS
96 Wine Spectator
Chocolate and berry, with mineral and cream. Full-bodied, with a wonderful velvety, caressing texture and a long, long finish. Wonderfully balanced and generous. Best Clinet I have ever tasted. Best after 2010. 2,330 cases made. ?JS
92 Robert Parker
Tasted four times from bottle (two were corked), this wine is somewhat monolithic, but there is a lot going on, hence the high score. Its youthful disjointedness is certainly a thing of the past, as the wine now exhibits a saturated ruby/purple color and a pure nose of Asian spices intermixed with smoky black currant, raspberry, and blueberry notes with some wood in the background. The wine is full-bodied, pure, sweet, and dense, with a multi-layered texture. There is plenty of tannin in the finish, but it is largely concealed by impressive quantities of extract and fruit. Certainly this is the finest Clinet made under the relatively new administration of Jean-Louis Laborde. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2020+.
92 Robert Parker
Tasted four times from bottle (two were corked), this wine is somewhat monolithic, but there is a lot going on, hence the high score. Its youthful disjointedness is certainly a thing of the past, as the wine now exhibits a saturated ruby/purple color and a pure nose of Asian spices intermixed with smoky black currant, raspberry, and blueberry notes with some wood in the background. The wine is full-bodied, pure, sweet, and dense, with a multi-layered texture. There is plenty of tannin in the finish, but it is largely concealed by impressive quantities of extract and fruit. Certainly this is the finest Clinet made under the relatively new administration of Jean-Louis Laborde. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2020+.
17 Rene Gabriel
01: Extrem dichtes, leicht trübes Purpur-Violett. Fettes, pflaumiges Bouquet; gekochtes Cassis und Dörrfrüchte, wie immer bei jungen Clinet-Mustern ein leichter Luftton darin. Cremiger, fetter Gaumen, runde, schmeichelnde Tannine von Pflaumen-, Dörrfrüchte- und Malzbonbonnuancen begleitet, im Finale wieder Cassis, Sandelholz und Pralinen. (17/20). 12: An einer Weinkellereröffnung in München. Das Ding kostet echt viel Geld. Aber irgendwie schent er mir es nicht diesen Wert darzustellen. Gibt sich ziemlich Chilenisch mit viel Cassis aber irgendwie auch grünchen Noten. Im Gaumen die logische 2000er-Fülle. Also doch beeindruckend. Aber ich werde halt den 1989 nie in der gleichen Phase vergessen... trinken (2004 - 2020)
17 Rene Gabriel
01: Extrem dichtes, leicht trübes Purpur-Violett. Fettes, pflaumiges Bouquet; gekochtes Cassis und Dörrfrüchte, wie immer bei jungen Clinet-Mustern ein leichter Luftton darin. Cremiger, fetter Gaumen, runde, schmeichelnde Tannine von Pflaumen-, Dörrfrüchte- und Malzbonbonnuancen begleitet, im Finale wieder Cassis, Sandelholz und Pralinen. (17/20). 12: An einer Weinkellereröffnung in München. Das Ding kostet echt viel Geld. Aber irgendwie schent er mir es nicht diesen Wert darzustellen. Gibt sich ziemlich Chilenisch mit viel Cassis aber irgendwie auch grünchen Noten. Im Gaumen die logische 2000er-Fülle. Also doch beeindruckend. Aber ich werde halt den 1989 nie in der gleichen Phase vergessen... trinken (2004 - 2020)
Château Clinet
Château Clinet continua a svettare sulle prestigiose tenute di Pomerol e attualmente produce uno dei vini più ricercati di questa regione. Le prime tracce di viticoltura su questo terreno ghiaioso-argilloso risalgono al XVII secolo e dopo secoli di cambi di proprietà, la famiglia Laborde possiede Château Clinet da quasi due decenni. Jean-Louis Laborde acquistò la proprietà nel 1998 e oggi Ronan, il figlio giovane e motivato, gestisce lo Château. Sui migliori appezzamenti delle terrazze ghiaiose di Gunz, gli 11 ettari di vigneto producono il miglior Merlot nel mondo. Il celeberrimo enologo Michel Rolland ha fornito la sua consulenza per oltre 10 anni, producendo Grand Cru di alto livello annata dopo annata. Ronan ha inoltre introdotto metodi colturali e di vinificazione innovativi ed ecologici per sottolineare ulteriormente il rispetto per il terroir. Imbottigliati senza chiarifica né filtrazione, questi vini sono affinati in botti di rovere nuovo al 100% per oltre cinque anni. Lo Château continua a creare vini straordinari; il Grand Vin, Clinet, è un rosso eccezionale, maturo e corposo, mentre il Ronan by Clinet è un esempio eccellente dello spirito imprenditoriale di Ronan. Ronan by Clinet è stato creato per offrire un vino accessibile di grande appeal, in grado di diffondere la garanzia di qualità dei vini di Château Clinet.