
Léoville Las Cases 1979 75cl

2eme Grand Cru Classé | St. Julien | Bordeaux | Francia
CHF 200.00
Punteggi dei critici
15 Rene Gabriel
Oft getrunken. Es fehlt diesem Wein einfach ein Quentchen Harmonie, um als sehr guter Las-Cases gehandelt zu werden. Zwei Doppelmagnum-Erlebnisse gaben 16/20 Punkte her und waren von der typischen Kandis- und Cassissüsse begleitet. An sich wäre hier noch ein gewisses Flaschenreifepotential vorhanden, aber mit mässiger Aussicht auf gute Besserung. 00: Offenes Bouquet; abgeklungene Frucht, getrocknete Pilze und Moschus, zeigt eine krautige Unsauberkeit in der Nase. Im Gaumen eher kalte Ausstrahlung, viel Würznoten, kernige Tannine, die hart und metallisch sind, Kapselton im Nachklang. Zwei Normalflaschen im Restaurant Niederhorn zeigten 2004 eine mitteldunkles Weinrot; leuchtend mit erstem Reifeschimmer. Das Bouquet trocken, aber die leicht laktische, typische Las-Cases-Süsse. Im Gaumen fest, angenehme Tannine, aber die Harmonie fehlt. (15/20). 10: Mitteldunkel, feine Reifetöne. Artisanales, trockenes Bouquet Bakelit, Torfnoten, alter Ledersack, trocken. Angenehmer, aber auch hier trockener Gaumen, Korinthentöne, etwas spröd in den Tanninen, aber noch gut zu trinken. austrinken
86 Robert Parker
This tasting consisted of each of the varietal components of Las Cases, followed by the final blend for Leoville-Las Cases. It is hard to believe, but the cuvee of Cabernet Sauvignon is so acidic, tough, hard, sinewy, and almost out of balance that it merits only an average rating, yet the final wine, which consists of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, is much better. It is a poignant example of how important blending can be, and how small percentages of other varietals can soften and alter a wine's personality. Although the Cabernet Sauvignon possesses fine color, it is extremely hard, tough, and unappealing. The 1979 Merlot is an elegant, fully mature, moderately ripe wine with an herb, tea, and coffee-scented nose, pleasant currant flavors, and a velvety finish. The Cabernet Franc exhibits aromatic complexity, with plenty of smoke, licorice, and curranty fruit. It is crisp and tart, but the initial attack tails off in the mouth. The Petit Verdot offers more fruit, spice, and body than the Cabernet Franc, as well as an excess of tannin. The 1979 Leoville-Las Cases is one of the leaner examples of this wine, with some hard tannin remaining in the finish. Nevertheless, it reveals good fruit, a stylish, curranty, mineral, and vanillin-scented nose, medium body, some compactness, and a crisp, short finish. It is unlikely to improve, so drink it over the next 5-8 years.
Château Léoville Las Cases
Universalmente riconosciuto come il più bel Super Second del Médoc, Château Léoville Las Cases spesso supera i Premier Cru. Questa proprietà considerevole si estende su terreni ghiaioso-argillosi con 98 ettari di viti, vicino al paese di Saint-Julien. Lo Château è rimasto di proprietà della famiglia Delon fino alla fine del XIX secolo. Léoville Las Cases è la più grande tra le proprietà di Jean-Hubert Delon; la famiglia possiede altri due Château, Potensac a Médoc e Nénin a Pomerol. Questi potenti vini di Saint-Julien sono assemblaggi a predominanza Cabernet Sauvignon, invecchiati in botti di rovere nuove per 18 mesi. I metodi di vinificazione innovativi, in particolare l'uso della fermentazione a bassa temperatura, conferiscono ai vini lo stile Léoville Las Cases, aggiungendo aromi ricchi ed esotici. Questa cantina attenta alla qualità produce il Grand Vin solo dai più grandi terroir, rendendo il vino un Bordeaux inimitabile.