
Don PX Selección DB 1968 75cl

DO | Andalousie | Espagne
CHF 151.35

Tous les millésimes

1949 1965 1968 1969
Évaluations et Scores
94 Robert Parker
Going up the ladder of age, concentration, complexity (and price), the 1968 Don PX Selección aged in American oak butts for some 47 years before bottling, and was never blended with any other vintage. The wine has 340 grams of unfermented sugar and higher acidity given its age, as evaporation in barrel concentrates everything. This is somehow less dense and more pungent than the other old sweet wines, with more spices, lots of cinnamon and cocoa powder. It's more fluid, somehow lighter, and with some notes reminiscent of oloroso and even amontillado. There were 6,900 liters of this wine, which was bottled in various formats, including magnums, three and six liter bottles. The price is for a regular bottle.  I visited Toro Albalá in their winery in Aguilar de la Frontera in Córdoba. They are famous by the extremely old, complex, sweet and concentrated Pedro Ximénez. I tasted a whole range of wines that are available in 2016, including an incredible 1931. The winery is full of old artifacts, roman stones and God knows what; they have a museum with an incredible collection of old wine books containing some 3,000 volumes. I also tasted a very old Amontillado they might bottle in limited quantities and a PX from around 1950 that showed a similar character to the famous 1946.
Toro Albalá
Antonio Sanchez Prieto a fondé Bodegas Toro Albalá en 1844 sur la commune d’Aguilar de la Frontera. En 1922, José Ma Toro Albalá a restauré l’ancienne centrale électrique d’Aguilar pour en faire un chai de vinification, qui abrite toujours la cave. La région de Montilla Moriles est connue pour sa production de vin de Xérès. Elaborer ce breuvage fantastique nécessite de laisser les raisins sécher au soleil avant de les presser et de les fermenter. Les vins qui résultent de cette concentration incroyable des jus affichent à la fois une douceur prononcée et une formidable fraîcheur. L’illustre cuvée Don P.X. est un Xérès gorgé de saveurs riches et profondes de raisins secs, de figues et de dattes. Elle accompagne à merveille une grande variété de mets, du fromage persillé à la glace vanille : à découvrir sans attendre. La cave ne se limite pas à l’élaboration de vins superbes, son caveau de dégustation propose également une immense bibliothèque qui référence plus de 100 000 livres.