
Clos Vougeot Vieilles Vignes 2012 75cl

AOC Grand Cru | Côte de Nuits | Borgogna | Francia
Punteggi dei critici
92 Robert Parker
The 2012 Clos de Vougeot Vieilles Vignes Grand Cru will be bottled around early June. It has an attractive, generous, almost sumptuous bouquet with raspberry, crushed strawberry and a judicious veneer of vanillary oak that lends it a modern sheen. The palate is medium-bodied with fine structure. There is plenty of ripe, sappy red fruit locked in here, but it feels a little compact, suggesting that it will need two or three years in bottle. But it certainly has very good potential. Drink 2017-2030. <br/><br/>The wines from Chateau de la Tour have not been reviewed by this publication for years, principally because during the 1990s, quality trailed off. However, I have been noticing an upswing in recent vintages, in no small part due to the efforts of Francois Labat and his team that tend the 5.48 hectares of vine, including the single hectare planted in 1910, part of which is separated and released as a Vieilles Vignes. Their vines have been farmed organically since 1992 and Francois opts to prune hard early in the season rather than undertaking a green harvest, usually with whole-cluster, natural ferments. Approximately 50% new wood is used for the Cuvee Classique, while the Vieilles Vignes is raised entirely in new oak. Francois’s 2012s are well-worth checking out. This historic clos is notoriously fickle when it comes to quality, some growers producing astonishing wines and others trading on the name. Chateau de la Tour once might have been guilty of doing that, but these two wines suggest that this is no longer the case.
Château de la Tour
Château de La Tour, l’azienda vinicola più influente di Borgogna, è guidata da François Labet, il quale, oltre a dirigere questa meravigliosa tenuta di Clos-de-Vougeot, gestisce la sua altra etichetta Domaine Pierre Labet. Questo domaine unico possiede il più grande vigneto Grand Cru della Côte de Nuits. Concentrato in 6 ettari, de La Tour è l'unico produttore che vendemmia, vinifica e imbottiglia il suo Clos Vougeot Grand Cru all'interno della denominazione. Costruito alla fine del XIX secolo dagli antenati delle famiglie Labet e Déchelette, lo Château continua a produrre vini di prima qualità. Conservando il know-how tradizionale attraverso l'agricoltura biologica e la fermentazione a grappolo intero, Labet combina perfettamente questi concetti storici con la modernità, utilizzando vasche in acciaio inox e presse pneumatiche. Imbottigliati senza chiarifica né filtrazione, i vini dallo stile indigeno sono densamente fruttati, mostrando l'incredibile profondità di un vino esemplare di Borgogna.