
Châteauneuf du Pape Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2010 75cl

AOC | Châteauneuf du Pape | Rodano | Francia
Punteggi dei critici
100 Robert Parker
No such issue exists with the perfect 2010 Chateauneuf du Pape Hommage a Jacques Perrin. I don't know what more a wine could offer. Inky blue/purple, with an extraordinary nose of smoked duck, grilled steaks, Provencal herbs, blackberries, blueberries, kirsch, licorice and truffle, enormously massive, concentrated, full-bodied and built for 30-50 years of cellaring, this wine, which is dominated by its Mourvedre component, is a tour de force, a spectacular, world-class wine. It is going to require some patience, though, and seems to need 4-5 years of cellaring. It should again be almost ageless in its potential. As I said last year, the Perrin family is a large one indeed, with brothers Jean-Pierre and Francois sitting at the top of the hierarchy and their four sons, Mathieu, Pierre, Thomas and Marc increasingly taking charge of their negociant business and their extensive estates throughout Southern Rhone. Now controlling over 1200 acres, as well as having a network of contracts, this operation is the equivalent of a major Southern Rhone train operating at high speed. Moreover, they are doing some incredible work in all price ranges. Other 2011s that the Perrin boys have produced include the following wines, which were very good across the board, especially for 2011s. In particular, readers need to take a hard look at their estate in Vinsobres, which is making the finest wines of that appellation, and more recently, what they are doing in Gigondas with the estate they purchased there, Clos des Tourelles. These are special wines. There are now three cuvees of Gigondas from the Perrins - the Gigondas La Gille, the Gigondas Vieilles Vignes and the Gigondas Clos des Tourelles. All three merit serious attention. Tasting the 2010s, which were all set to go into bottle right after my visit, certainly shows that this vintage is impressive, although I'm not sure that Marc and Pierre Perrin haven't done as good a job with their selections in 2011. Three cuvees of Gigondas look to all have outstanding potential and will probably be in bottle by the time this report is published.
Château de Beaucastel
Château de Beaucastel è un posto magico. È circondato da colline con vigneti infiniti, ulivi centenari e querce da tartufo. Qui la natura è in fiore, libera e a proprio agio. Le antiche viti dalle radici annodate vengono allevate con il tradizionale stile gobelet nel terreno tipico della regione, lastricato di grandi ciottoli rotondi. Quando soffia, il Mistral - il vento leggendario delle Alpi - arriva alla Valle del Rodano, rinfresca le viti e rivela aromi di Garrigue. Oggi, la proprietà rimane nelle mani dei figli di Jacques Perrin, Jean-Pierre e François. Unione dei talenti della Famille Perrin, la proprietà segue valori fondanti rigorosi, ovvero il rispetto della terra e del terroir attraverso tecniche agricole biodinamiche che accentuano la ricerca di verità, equilibrio ed eleganza. Coltivato su terreni ancestrali, Château de Beaucastel produce 13 varietà di uva molto note a Châteauneuf du Pape. Ogni annata è una combinazione unica ed eccezionale di potenza, struttura, distinzione e freschezza.