
L'Évangile 1995 75cl

AOC | Pomerol | Bordeaux | Francia
CHF 237.80
Punteggi dei critici
19 Rene Gabriel
96: Fassprobe (19/20): Produktion: 35'000 Flaschen: Eine der dichtesten Farben aller Pomerols; Violett-Purpur mit schwarzen Reflexen. Königliches Bouquet; ein ausgeglichenes Spiel von Edelhölzern, reifen Waldbeeren, Kirschen, eine feine Parfümnote, Sandelholz und Schokolade darin. Im Gaumen samtig, dicht, die Tannine sind von molligem Schmelz umgeben und bewirken eine mundfüllende, fast explodierende Adstringenz, die Aromen kumulieren sich und geben dem Finish eine katapultartige Dimension. Einer der ganz wenigen 95er, der "Jahrhundertwein-Allüren" hat. Dürfte sich zum Star des Jahrganges entwickeln! 01: Noch immer eine satte, dichte Farbe mit violettem Schimmer darin. Würziges, kompaktes Bouquet; Rauch, Nussmehl, Pfefferkuchen und Lakritze. Fester, noch körniger Gaumen, extrem konzentriert. Während andere Pomerols des gleichen Jahrganges bereits ersten Charme entwickeln, ist dieser noch unnahbar und verschlossen. Ein grosser Wein mit einem immensen Potential. 19/20 2004 – 2025 Mittleres Granat-Purpur, noch Rubin am Rand. Süsse, nach Kirschen und Vanille duftendes Bouquet, wirkt etwas laktisch und zeigt Black Currant. Zu Beginn saftiger, eleganter Gaumen, dann packen die Gerbstoffe zu und der Wein zeigt sein Kraft und nachhaltige Adstringenz, fleischig und viel Potential zeigend. Momentan sehr verschlossen. trinken (2010 - 2026)
19 Rene Gabriel
96: Fassprobe (19/20): Produktion: 35'000 Flaschen: Eine der dichtesten Farben aller Pomerols; Violett-Purpur mit schwarzen Reflexen. Königliches Bouquet; ein ausgeglichenes Spiel von Edelhölzern, reifen Waldbeeren, Kirschen, eine feine Parfümnote, Sandelholz und Schokolade darin. Im Gaumen samtig, dicht, die Tannine sind von molligem Schmelz umgeben und bewirken eine mundfüllende, fast explodierende Adstringenz, die Aromen kumulieren sich und geben dem Finish eine katapultartige Dimension. Einer der ganz wenigen 95er, der "Jahrhundertwein-Allüren" hat. Dürfte sich zum Star des Jahrganges entwickeln! 01: Noch immer eine satte, dichte Farbe mit violettem Schimmer darin. Würziges, kompaktes Bouquet; Rauch, Nussmehl, Pfefferkuchen und Lakritze. Fester, noch körniger Gaumen, extrem konzentriert. Während andere Pomerols des gleichen Jahrganges bereits ersten Charme entwickeln, ist dieser noch unnahbar und verschlossen. Ein grosser Wein mit einem immensen Potential. 19/20 2004 – 2025 Mittleres Granat-Purpur, noch Rubin am Rand. Süsse, nach Kirschen und Vanille duftendes Bouquet, wirkt etwas laktisch und zeigt Black Currant. Zu Beginn saftiger, eleganter Gaumen, dann packen die Gerbstoffe zu und der Wein zeigt sein Kraft und nachhaltige Adstringenz, fleischig und viel Potential zeigend. Momentan sehr verschlossen. trinken (2010 - 2026)
93 Wine Spectator
Beautiful aromas of crushed berries, chocolate and spices follow through to a full-bodied palate, with fine tannins and a spicy, refined aftertaste.--'95/'96 Bordeaux retrospective. Best after 2008. ?JS
93 Wine Spectator
Beautiful aromas of crushed berries, chocolate and spices follow through to a full-bodied palate, with fine tannins and a spicy, refined aftertaste.--'95/'96 Bordeaux retrospective. Best after 2008. ?JS
92 Robert Parker
Tasted three times, this wine is closed, backward, and marginally less impressive after bottling than it was from cask. It is still an outstanding L'Evangile that may prove to be longer-lived than the sumptuous 1990, but perhaps not as opulently-styled. It remains one of the year's's top efforts. The dense ruby/purple color is accompanied by aromas of minerals, black raspberries, earth, and spice. The bottled wine seems toned down (too much fining and filtration?), compared with the pre-bottling samples, which had multiple layers of flesh and flavor dimension. High tannin in the finish and plenty of sweet fruit on the palate suggest this wine will turn out to be extra special. Could it have been even better if the filters had been junked in favor of a natural bottling? I think so, yet that being said, the wine's ferocious tannin level cannot conceal its outstanding ripeness, purity, and depth. However, do not expect this Pomerol to be drinkable for another 5-8 years, which is longer than I initially expected. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2020.
92 Robert Parker
Tasted three times, this wine is closed, backward, and marginally less impressive after bottling than it was from cask. It is still an outstanding L'Evangile that may prove to be longer-lived than the sumptuous 1990, but perhaps not as opulently-styled. It remains one of the year's's top efforts. The dense ruby/purple color is accompanied by aromas of minerals, black raspberries, earth, and spice. The bottled wine seems toned down (too much fining and filtration?), compared with the pre-bottling samples, which had multiple layers of flesh and flavor dimension. High tannin in the finish and plenty of sweet fruit on the palate suggest this wine will turn out to be extra special. Could it have been even better if the filters had been junked in favor of a natural bottling? I think so, yet that being said, the wine's ferocious tannin level cannot conceal its outstanding ripeness, purity, and depth. However, do not expect this Pomerol to be drinkable for another 5-8 years, which is longer than I initially expected. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2020.
Château L'Évangile
Il famoso Château L'Évangile produce un esempio di vino Pomerol grandiosamente profondo, strutturato e potente. Situati nella parte sud-orientale dell'altopiano di Pomerol, i 22 ettari di vigneti della tenuta si trovano su terreni sabbioso-argillosi e ghiaiosi tra i più rari. Con una storia che risale a metà Settecento, lo Château è uno dei più antichi vigneti della denominazione. Dopo aver avuto diversi proprietari, L'Évangile è attualmente dei Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite). La famiglia Rothschild acquisì la cantina nel 1990 dalla famiglia Ducasse, promettendo di preservare l'eccellente reputazione di L'Evangile. Negli ultimi decenni, la famiglia ha aumentato gli sforzi per la gestione del vigneto, completando il profondo rinnovamento della cantina e della tinaia dello Château. Sotto la leadership della famiglia Rothschild, lo Château ha creato anche un secondo vino, il Blason de L'Évangile, un rosso accessibile con un carattere simile a quello del Grand Vin. Château L'Évangile, il Grand Vin, è vinificato tradizionalmente ed evidenzia una base densa e solida di tannini, con sentori evidenti di legno armoniosamente integrati.