
Châteauneuf du Pape Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2009 75cl

AOC | Châteauneuf du Pape | Rodano | Francia
Punteggi dei critici
99 Robert Parker
Potentially the wine of the vintage, the 2009 Beaucastel Chateauneuf du Pape Hommage a Jacques Perrin had just been bottled two weeks before my visit. A wine of extraordinary density, richness, precision and unreal flavor intensity, it reveals abundant gamey, meaty notes intermixed with smoked duck, Provencal herbs, blueberries, blackberries, kirsch and licorice. This loaded, multidimensional, massively concentrated 2009 is much softer than most Hommages. It should be drinkable in 3-4 years and keep for 30-40 years thereafter. Kudos to one of the world’s great winemaking families! Brothers Jean-Pierre and Francois Perrin as well as their four sons, Thomas, Marc, Pierre and Mathieu, have quickly become the dominate wine producers of the entire southern Rhone Valley. They have expanded their operation even further by partnering with the Jaboulets. Now having over 1,200 acres in vine and extensive contracts, this is a high quality locomotive, great news for consumers seeking a range of top quality red and white wines in all price ranges. The Perrins’ greatest success is undeniably their enormous quantities of high quality, inexpensive wines called La Vieille Ferme, a white from the Cotes du Luberon and a red from the Cotes du Ventoux. The Perrins are now the top producers of wines from the cool climate southern Rhone appellation of Vinsobres, located in the northern sector of the region and meaning “sober wine.” In 2008, the Perrins purchased one of the better estates in Gigondas, Clos des Tourelles, a 25 acre property located at the southern end of the village from which they make two cuvees. True stars in the Perrin portfolio are the white and red Cotes du Rhone from their estate called Coudoulet which is adjacent to the appellation of Chateauneuf du Pape. As longtime readers know, Chateau de Beaucastel makes two of the great white wines of the southern Rhone, although in Chateauneuf du Pape the rather dramatic amelioration of quality that has taken place with white winemaking has given them more competition than they had a decade ago.
Château de Beaucastel
Château de Beaucastel è un posto magico. È circondato da colline con vigneti infiniti, ulivi centenari e querce da tartufo. Qui la natura è in fiore, libera e a proprio agio. Le antiche viti dalle radici annodate vengono allevate con il tradizionale stile gobelet nel terreno tipico della regione, lastricato di grandi ciottoli rotondi. Quando soffia, il Mistral - il vento leggendario delle Alpi - arriva alla Valle del Rodano, rinfresca le viti e rivela aromi di Garrigue. Oggi, la proprietà rimane nelle mani dei figli di Jacques Perrin, Jean-Pierre e François. Unione dei talenti della Famille Perrin, la proprietà segue valori fondanti rigorosi, ovvero il rispetto della terra e del terroir attraverso tecniche agricole biodinamiche che accentuano la ricerca di verità, equilibrio ed eleganza. Coltivato su terreni ancestrali, Château de Beaucastel produce 13 varietà di uva molto note a Châteauneuf du Pape. Ogni annata è una combinazione unica ed eccezionale di potenza, struttura, distinzione e freschezza.